Thursday, March 24, 2011

Oh, my poor baby...


I took Chance to the grooming salon today and they shaved him down to nothing.   He's pitiful.  But, it had to be done...his fur was terribly knotted and there was nothing else to do.  The temps are suppose to go down to 34* tonight and I can't find his sweater.  Pupcycle!



Friday, March 18, 2011


'Bama Girl came home and we went out today to do a little shopping at some antique stores in Somerville, Hartselle and Eva.

Most of the prices in the ones we went to were way over our heads.  So we had decided to just be " lookers"!  We went into one shop that had all Cottage/Shabby/Vintage Chic.  Loved it!  Way, way out of our league and nowhere near what we had in our pocketbooks!

So...we went to a store that I love because the prices are reasonable and she'll deal with you!  Today, she had 10% off everything.  And look what 'Bama Girl found:


Silver plated (I think).  We cleaned it up and it's really shiny and so girly!  $10 minus 10%...good deal!

Then, we came to Eva and went to the antique store here and this is what I bought:


I know you probably can't see it, but the front has an asian-style relief on the front.  And it opens:


The lady at the store said it was a telephone table?  I'm not sure.  Maybe when I clean it up I can tell.  I'm not sure if I'll refinish it or paint it (I'm thinking I'll paint!)



PS:  For now, this is what I'm doing with the telephone table:



Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My son, some fun...and guess what I won?

This may be rated PG for violence...we were doing a little "Top Shot" tonight!  (If you haven't watched that show, then that comment just went zooming over your head!  I watch it...can you believe that?  To me it's just another reality show...and I love my reality!)  William came over tonight and brought his school project.  To destroy.  And he did.  It was a booger of a project to do...and a little target practice was just the ticket to let off a little steam!  I was thinking it would explode when he hit it, but it didn't!

His project:  A styrofoam head...


The shootist:


Well...that was a little redneck, huh?  So, on to some fun stuff!

Why oh why can't I remember to take "before" pictures?  I bought a lamp from the thrift store for $3.99...U.G.L.Y!  No doubt!  Terra cotta lamp with a terra cotta colored shade.  And I didn't get a before picture of the lamp...but I did of the shade, so...use your imagination:


I painted it white (the lamp) and when I went to B'ham with 'Bama Girl, I bought a shade for $14.   An $18 lamp...not bad!


It's for my bedroom and I also hung this frame and an urn (?) which was flat on one side that I found in a box in the garage.  (If it's ugly...let me know!)


David and  I went to Attalla, AL this past week-end for a little antique shopping and I bought a set of TV trays, so I used one in the bedroom:


I also bought a chair and ottoman.  I'm going to redo this room for David's office, you can see a small portion of the wallpaper border...yuck!:


That was the fun...and what I won!   Susan over at Days Too Short had a giveaway!


                                                                        So true!


The sweetest fabric and patterns *squeal* !  You know I love patterns!  She's such a sweetie...go visit and show a little love!



Monday, March 14, 2011

Birmingham bound!

Going to see 'Bama Girl and spend the day with her.

Look what I'm taking...Cupcakes in a Jar!




I'm also taking Chicken and Sausage Gumbo as well as  Poulet de Normandy (Just a fancy name for chicken and dressing layered with cream of mushroom soup and topped with cheese!).  I'm always welcome when I bring food.

I'm not sure what we're going to do...maybe some shopping, thrift store shopping and going to Home Goods.  I've never been and thought this might be a good time...I'll let you know what it's like!  I'm sure we'll also go out for lunch!

In 'Bama Girl news, she will be  graduating  from the University of Alabama this May with honors!!  We're so proud of her!  She just won an award (Cash!) and we're also waiting on offers from Law Schools.  She's been accepted to several, but the scholarship offers (Cash!) haven't been sent out yet...they wait...she waits...we wait!  She also interviewed for the Psych Law graduate program at UA...again...waiting!   We'll know soon and then I'll let you know!



Thursday, March 10, 2011

Stick a fork in me...I'm done!

Done... Dee Oh En Ee...done!

And if anyone makes any cracks about it looking a little like a Mexican restaurant...well I'm gonna...uh...well, I'll...I'm not sure what I'll do, but it will be bad!  (Actually, I didn't think about it until I finished...and if I think about it too much, I'll be up all night re-painting the tiles...LOL!)

Here's just a few pictures of the finished project:


**This was a real estate picture before we bought the house...1 1/2 years ago.









I added the words above the cabinet:


And here's my little corner of the computer desk:


I don't think I'll be starting a new project anytime soon!  This one was a booger!  But, I came in under $450 for the cabinet refinishing, adding glass to them, painting the walls and tile.



Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Painting Backsplash tile? It's Fiesta time!

My friends, my family, the home improvement store.....

"Whaaat?  You want to paint the tile?"


"Well, you could, but....I wouldn't!"

"You've got a big job, little, sealing, priming, sealing, sanding, priming...."


You know...I don't take too well to the word "No."  To me, it's a dare. 

And baby, it was on like Donkey Kong!

This is the tile in question:


It's not bad tile.  It's not ugly tile.  In fact, I used the same tile in my other house remodel.  It's just not the tile I wanted.  I knew I could get new tile if I wanted and I really wanted glass tiles,  but...

I'm trying to keep this remodel on budget and on time.  I was afraid if I tried to rip it out, I'd have to replace the sheet rock!  Not on my agenda or my budget!

So my favorite medium:  Paint!

Here we go! 

Wait for it:


Close up, please:


Ta Daaaa!


My inspiration?  My Fiesta ware:


This is what I used:


I cleaned it, painted it, applied Polyurethane.  Done! 

At a later date, I may paint the 4" tiles  underneath, but for now...I'm happy how this turned out!

I'm still working on refinishing the  island (almost finished!) and I have to paint the tile over the stove. 

Speaking of the stove...I need to get a new one.  My other appliances are stainless.    I also really wanted an over the stove microwave, but after measuring, I find I don't have room unless I rip out the cabinets above which I don't plan on doing:


So...sorry for such a picture and DIY'er post, but just wanted to share!  And trust me...I'm as tired of this as you are tired of reading about it!  Thanks for putting up with me!




I got off the fence and decided that  I'd paint the larger tile.  I used the same Espresso that I used on the cabinets.  I also finished the backsplash behind the stove. 


I'll let you in on a secret!  I cropped the picture to spare you from the nastiness behind, under and on the stove!  (It came with the house and besides, who moves their stove to clean?...I will now!)

**You can click on the pic to view larger!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Still working on the kitchen!

I'm still working on the kitchen and have done nothing else!  (I have three quilts I'd like to be working on...can't do everything, I guess!)  I'm painting the walls at the moment and can't seem to get a good picture...the color always looks brown in the pictures??  And I've tried everything!  The walls are green..."Crocodile Tears" is the color.   Here are a couple that I finally got tweaked to look green.


This is the best I could do on the wall:


And...the mess of all the stuff off the walls...I won't show what's behind's worse!


Hopefully, I'll finish with all the wall painting today.  And, I've still got to refinish the island.  Also, I've got a surprise project I'll be doing.  I'm not sharing my idea right now 'cause you'd probably think (or at least I'd be confirming) that I'm nuts!  Plus, I'd rather hubby not know what I'm doing...he would definitely think I had lost it...he doesn't always 'get' my visions!  But I'll give you a's going to give a lot more color to the dark cabinets and it involves my Fiesta ware!  (If I can pull it off!)  Be scared!

