My friends, my family, the home improvement store.....
"Whaaat? You want to paint the tile?"
"Well, you could, but....I wouldn't!"
"You've got a big job, little, sealing, priming, sealing, sanding, priming...."
You know...I don't take too well to the word "No." To me, it's a dare.
And baby, it was on like Donkey Kong!
This is the tile in question:
It's not bad tile. It's not ugly tile. In fact, I used the same tile in my other house remodel. It's just not the tile I wanted. I knew I could get new tile if I wanted and I really wanted glass tiles, but...
I'm trying to keep this remodel on budget and on time. I was afraid if I tried to rip it out, I'd have to replace the sheet rock! Not on my agenda or my budget!
So my favorite medium: Paint!
Here we go!
Wait for it:
Close up, please:
Ta Daaaa!
My inspiration? My Fiesta ware:
This is what I used:
I cleaned it, painted it, applied Polyurethane. Done!
At a later date, I may paint the 4" tiles underneath, but for now...I'm happy how this turned out!
I'm still working on refinishing the island (almost finished!) and I have to paint the tile over the stove.
Speaking of the stove...I need to get a new one. My other appliances are stainless. I also really wanted an over the stove microwave, but after measuring, I find I don't have room unless I rip out the cabinets above which I don't plan on doing:
So...sorry for such a picture and DIY'er post, but just wanted to share! And trust me...I'm as tired of this as you are tired of reading about it! Thanks for putting up with me!
I got off the fence and decided that I'd paint the larger tile. I used the same Espresso that I used on the cabinets. I also finished the backsplash behind the stove.
I'll let you in on a secret! I cropped the picture to spare you from the nastiness behind, under and on the stove! (It came with the house and besides, who moves their stove to clean?...I will now!)
**You can click on the pic to view larger!