Monday, April 5, 2010

Mailboxes and yellowboxes

I went out this morning and this is what I found laying in the ditch:


Yep...someone was playing mailbox baseball...and I lost!

So, I spent some time putting up this (the one on the right):


And while I was in Cullman buying a mailbox, I bought a pair of these:



Cute, huh?  I love Yellow Box flip flops, but have never had any of their other shoes.    These are the Cindy's.  And I tried on another pair that I really, really, really want...the Debbie's.  But I had to make a choice and Ineeded these to wear this weekend.  (I'm not sure how much walking we'll have to do...I'm putting my flip flops in my purse!)  Oh!  Have I told you about that?  No?  Okay....

Well, this weekend we're going to the Tapping on the Mound Ceremony at the University of Alabama.  'Bama Girl is being tapped into the Mortar Board Society.  It's an honor society.  She was one of 65 chosen...I'm so proud!  And...we've also been invited to a luncheon for those getting Psychology honors...and she's one of those!  We're really excited for her!  And we get to see her!  Yay!  I'm thinking that she needs a little bit of mothering...she's very, very stressed!  ((hugs, 'Bama Girl!))




  1. Those shoes.... oh those shoes... they are fabulous!

    I am so impressed by Bama Girl's accomplishments. I know she has to be WAY smart to achieved that but I also know she had to work HARD. I'm so glad the hard work paid off.

    She will need a little bit of mothering her whole life. I know I still do - thank goodness for Momma.

    Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your Mommy pride moment!

  2. That is must feel so proud of her. Love the shoes..way cute! Too bad about your mail box...little stinkers! Have a good week..come say hi :D

  3. Congrats to Bama Girl, thats wonderful.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Love the flip flops!

  4. First- Way to Bama Girl!! And Way to go Bama Mom too! She wouldn't be there with you!

    Second- Love Love Love the shoes! I am a flip-flop girl too. So glad flip-flop weather is here!

    Third- When I saw your mailbox I thought "that is what I would like to do to mine somedays".lol. I call it the bill box!

  5. I want those shoes. I am challenged in the shoe dept. You'll see how badly in my next post. Again, WOW and congrats!! :D
