Sunday, May 22, 2011

Time flies...

This will be the second time I've written this bad computer keeps shutting down and losing everything.  So, I'm going to get this done quickly!

I've got to apologize for losing the entire month of May!  Where did it go?  I've only written one other wonder I'm losing readers...even my mother has quit checking to see if I've updated!

One of the reasons I've not written is the tornadoes.  Even though I wasn't directly affected, it does take a toll on the nerves.  Every part of our state is part of a disaster.  Trees are down everywhere.  Houses gone.  Businesses gone.  People's lives are gone.

Monday, I had to go to Tuscaloosa with 'Bama Girl to help her find a new apartment.  Even though I had seen Cullman and the devastation here, I still wasn't prepared.  Even the drive down I-65 is bad.  Coming down McFarland Drive in Tuscaloosa, everything looks okay, but then you're slapped in the face by it.  For example:


This is Hobby Lobby and the debris?  Milo's Hamburgers and Full Moon Barbeque.  Across the street?  Krispy Kreme...gone.  But to be honest, pictures don't do the damage justice.  To be in the middle of it all is the real slap in the face.  And I can't even imagine what it must be like to be one of the survivors of this.  My heart goes out to them.

To other news, we did find 'Bama Girl a new apartment.  And she has two new roomies, one is from Ohio and the other from Mobile, AL.  They all start law school in the fall.  Roll Tide!

Plus we bought 'Bama Girl a new car!  Bye-bye, Tracker!


Hell000o, Cruze!


And on the home front...WE HAVE COWS!  We now have registered Angus cattle.  Thursday, we got three:  Savannah, Stephanie, and Asia...not names I would have chosen, but these are their registered names.  And...the woman who had them, kept them as pets.


And then...we got 7 more.


Now, we have a herd of 10 cows.  In September, we'll have 15 after the babies are born!  *squeal*...I love babies!

I had a chance to buy a Gammill quilting machine for a very, very good price.  But, it had a 14 foot table and I had no place to put it, except in the garage or David's shop.  I was afraid it would get dirt in the mechanisms and in the tracks of the frame.  I'm very sad.  I really, really wanted it. But, I have a "good enough" quilting machine and that's life, so I really need to get over myself, quit whining, and make a quilt!

Not much else has happened, except I think I've might have been bit by a spider. I think I'll probably go to the doctor tomorrow. There are blisters, redness and swelling around the bite area. It's also very hot and I'm having a few flu-like symptoms. Ugh!

**Just got home from the Doctor's office and he said that I'd definitely been bitten by a spider.  He said it was either a brown recluse or a black widow...he wasn't sure which, but gave me some antibiotics and told me not to be playing with spiders anymore!

That's all, folks!




  1. Love your new cows...and Bama Girl's new car! We're real allergic here so we keep a battery of prescription antihistamines on hand along with multiple epi-pens and I dress like an old-baglady when outside with longsleeves, long pants, gloves, hat and still usually get stung by something! It's hard to be an 'outdoors girl' sometimes. Seriously....hope you are okay and hope you see your doctor right away.

  2. The devastation is awful by the tornadoes and to see it for real is just heartbreaking. Glad you found Bama girl another apt. and her car is great! Like the cows and take care of your bite!

  3. My goodness, after seeing all the devastation in Joplin, I'm sure I could never live in Tornado country. My oldest daughter lived in Kansas for about a year and I worried the whole time she was gone. I'm glad your family was not harmed. But how sad for so many.
    Take care of that bite. I'm pretty sure either kind of spider bite is pretty serious!!!
    And congrats to Bama Girl!!! You must be so proud of all her accomplishments. : )

  4. I haven't been through Tuscaloosa, but I know it is worse than it is here and that's just mind boggling. My heart is breaking for the people in the line of tornadoes that are ripping through the midwest.
    I am so glad you went to the dr. and got antibiotics. That is scary!!!
    Hope your computers start behaving!

  5. I can understand how the devastation can take it's toll on you. I still cant believe what happened with all the tornados around. My heart breaks for all these families.

    Good thing you went to check that bite. Hope your feeling better. Love the cows!


  6. Oh, Miss Debbie- I've missed you too! This year is just flying by... *sigh*..
    I can hardly believe the devastation I see on TV, but I'm sure it is much worse in person. Sso so sad... I try to put myself in their shoes, but I just can't imagine how horrible it must be.
    LOVE Bama Girls' new ride! It looks so "sophisticated"- just what a law student needs.
    I love your new herd- I knew it was just a matter of time before you got some farm critters to keep you busy.
    That is horrible about your spider bite- those things scare the daylights outta me! *YIKES!*
